Valerie Ramos
Spring 2015 #2
Temple University
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pa
Ethnicity: Puerto Rican
Campus Involvement:
Major: Political Science
Javellys Polanco
Fall 2014 #2
University of Pennslyvania
Hometown: Providence, RI
Ethnicity: Dominican
Campus Involvement: President of Grupo Quisqueyano and President of Multicultural Greek Council
Major: Crimonology
Hobbies/Interests: Traveling,dancing bachata, watching old movies
Jennifer Gonzalez
Spring 2015 #1
Temple University
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pa
Ethnicity: Dominican
Campus Involvement:
Major: Early Childhood Education
Amanda Irizzary
Fall 2014 #1
University of Pennslyvania
Hometown: New York City, NY
Ethnicity: Puerto Rican and Dominican
Campus Involvement: Grupo Quisqueyano
Major: Health and Societies, Global Health
Hobbies/Interests: I love traveling!!
Adelphy Payero
Spring 2013 #3
Temple University
Hometown: Lebanon, Pa
Ethnicity: Dominican
Campus Involvement: Optometry Club, Asociación de Estudiantes Latino, Biology Society
Major: Biology
Hobbies/Interests:Reading, international films, and adventures